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TableForm allows tenant admin and users with designer access to create Table and fields inside the table.
To add a new Table, Select the TableForm in the App Tree (left-side panel), click on + Add New Table.
Table Name -Enter Table Name for your TableForm. (Must be unique)
Menu - Select a Menu. (All the modules and shared menu will be available)
Unique ID- Select the Primary Key for the table. (By default, Record ID)
Tableform – Options
Active- Defines the state of table as true or false.
Add Timers - Adds Timer at Record Level.
Allow Clone Records - Allows to create clone records from the existing records.
Add Notes - Adds Notes at Record Level.
Hide Search - Hides the Search option for the table.
Allow Exports - Enables to download the Records in excel format.
Add Events - Enables event tracking at Record Level.
Allow Record Deletion - Enables Deletion of Records.
Allow Web Form Import - Enables to download a html link from where data can be directly stored into the table.
Display Field - show its value to users on the dashboard header when selecting a record.
The Filter option in the top left corner allows to
Show system tables.
Show in-active tables.
The Common Tables dropdown in the top allows to add pre-built tables from departments such as Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Operations, Sales, Shared, Telecom.
The Search box in the top right corner allows to search available tables.
Below the Action Tab :
View (eye icon) - redirects to view the fields inside the table.
Edit (pen icon) – allows to edit the table details.
Delete (trash icon) – allows to delete a table from Tableform.
In the DropDown menu, all the fields inside the table will appear.
The edit table in the top allows to edit the table details.
Below the header, there are few buttons:
Add New Field.
Add Common Field.
Add New Field – On click of add new field, user can add field details such as:
Add Field Name - Allows users to enter the name of a particular field.
Add Display Value - Replaces the Field Name and shows the Display Value in the Preview.
Select Field Type - Allows users to add field types such as Boolean, Comment, Rupee, Date, DateTime, Decimal, Document, Image, Integer, List, Percentage, Text.
Mandatory – Sets field to be required.
Is Unique – Sets field to be unique.
Delete – Deletes a particular field from tableform.
There are sub options for every field:
Text Format (Text) - Allows users to select text formats such as Phone, Email, Zip, Email, Password and custom using custom mask.
List Condition Filter (List) - Enables users to select the fields to display on click of a list option. For example - Fields related to Finance can be shown when Finance option is selected in a List.
Decimal Scale (Percentage, Decimal, Rupee) - Allows users to add a decimal scale in a Percentage or Decimal Field. For example - 123.56 has a decimal scale of 2.
Auto Increment (Integer) - Allows to auto increment value on adding records.
Integer Format (Integer) - Allows to store integer in the DD: HH:MM or DD: HH:MM: SS format. For example - Storing integer values as 7:15 or 7:15:10.
Recalculate on each update – Re-calculates the value of fields on each update.
Date Format (Date, DateTime) - Allows to store particular Date or DateTime format.
ToolTip - Displays information related to a particular field.
Default Value - Stores the default value to be stored in a field.
Select a Function - Allows user to select any pre-defined function such as AVERAGE, AND, OR, DATEDIFF, SUM, USER, TODAY etc.
Select a Reference Field - Allows users to select fields available in the table for reference.
Validation - Enables users to execute a validation on a field. As a result, records are not saved until the validation criteria is met.
Security - Enables users to select field security between No Security, read only and full restrict.
Security Override - Enables users to override the records having security as read only or full restrict.
Returns true if predicate matches against all children.
ALL function returns either true or false hence the field type needs to be Boolean.
After selecting the ALL function:
Select the child table.
Select a reference field and add a condition.
Formula: ALL("test child",{test child.age} < 60)
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if all the records in the child table has age < 60, else the field will be unchecked.
Checks whether all arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.
After selecting the AND function:
Enter number of logical expressions with a reference field.
Formula: =AND({Test.age} > 0,{Test.salary} > 0)
Result: The Boolean field will be checked only if both the fields age and salary are greater than zero, else the field will be unchecked.
Returns true if predicate matches against any child.
ANY function returns either 1 or 0 hence the field type needs to be Text or Integer.
After selecting the ANY function:
Select the child table.
Select a reference field and add a condition.
Formula: ANY("test child",{test child.Name} = {John})
Result: It will return 1, if any of the records in the child table has name = John, else will return 0.
Returns the average of children table parameter.
AVERAGE function returns the aggregate average from a particular field in child table.
After selecting the AVERAGE function:
Select the child table.
Select a reference field and add a condition.
Formula: AVERAGE("test child",{test child.age})
Result: It will return the average of all the age from the table child.
Concate list or range of text strings.
After selecting the CONCAT function:
Select two reference fields.
Formula: CONCAT({First Name}," ",{Last Name})
Result: It will return FirstName LastName.
Returns count of child table parameter.
After selecting the CONCAT function:
Select the child table.
Select a reference field.
Formula: COUNT("test child",{test child.Name})
Result: It will return the total count of the field – Name.
Returns a date from a month day and year.
After selecting the DATE function:
Select a month reference field.
Select a day reference field.
Select a year reference field.
Formula: DATE({Test.month},{},{Test.year})
Result: It will return the total count of the field - Name.
Return the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds between start date and end date.
After selecting the DATEDIFF function:
Select the return type -day, hour, minute, second.
Select a start date reference field.
Select a end date reference field.
Formula: DATEDIFF("day",{Test.Start Date},{Test.End Date})
Result: It will return a difference in day between the start date and end date.
Adds up the offset according to the selected type in the chosen Date Field.
After selecting the DATEOFFSET function:
Select the return type -year, month, day, hour, minute, second, week, quarter.
Select a date reference field.
Enter the offset value.
Formula: DATEOFFSET("day",{Test.Start Date},2)
Result: It will return a date after adding 2 days in the date obtained from referenced field.
Returns whether date range overlaps.
Returns the day of the month, a number from 1 to 31 from a selected Date Field.
After selecting the DAY function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: DAY({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the current day (1 to 31) from the referenced date field.
Returns the day of the week, a string i.e. 1/1/2024 would return Wednesday.
After selecting the DAYOFWEEK function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: DAYOFWEEK({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the current day (Monday to Sunday) from the referenced date field.
Returns effective annual interest rate.
After selecting the EFFECT function:
Select a reference field for rate (Nominal interest rate).
Select a reference field for per (Number of periods)
Formula: EFFECT({Test.InterestRate},{Test.Period})
Result: It will return the Effective Annual Interest Rate from the referenced interest rate and period field.
Returns the future value of an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
Checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if TRUE, and another value if FALSE.
After selecting the IF function:
Select a refernce field and declare a logical condition.
Enter value if condition is true.
Enter value if condition is false.
Formula: IF({Test.First Name}="John","Name is John","Name is not John")
Result:It will return Name is John, if the field – First Name has value John, else it will return Name is not John.
Returns the internal rate of return.
Returns True, if field is empty else returns False.
ISBLANK function returns either true or false hence the field type needs to be Boolean.
After selecting the ISBLANK function:
Select a reference field.
Formula: ISBLANK({Test.First Name})
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if referenced field is blank, else the field will be unchecked.
Returns True, if value is a number else returns False.
ISNUMBER function returns either true or false hence the field type needs to be Boolean.
After selecting the ISNUMBER function:
Select a reference field.
Formula: ISNUMBER({Test.Number})
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if referenced field is a number, else the field will be unchecked.
Returns True, if value is a text else returns False.
ISTEXT function returns either true or false hence the field type needs to be Boolean.
After selecting the ISTEXT function:
Select a reference field.
Formula: ISTEXT({Test.Text})
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if referenced field is a text, else the field will be unchecked.
Returns specified number of characters from start of text.
After selecting the LEFT function:
Select a reference text field.
Enter number of characters.
Formula: LEFT({Test.Name},6)
Result: It will return 6 characters from the left from the field- Name.
Returns number of characters in text.
After selecting the LEN function:
Select a reference text field.
Formula: LEN({Test.First Name})
Result: It will return number of characters in the field – First Name.
Converts all letters in a text string to lowercase.
After selecting the LOWER function:
Select a reference text field.
Formula: LOWER({Test.Name})
Result: It will return characters from the referenced field in lowercase.
Returns the largest value of children table parameter.
After selecting the MAX function:
Select a reference field from a child table.
Formula: MAX("test child",{test child.age})
Result: It will return the maximum age from all the age records in the child table.
Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting Position and Length.
After selecting the MID function:
Select a reference text field.
Enter a start index.
Enter the number of characters to display.
Formula: MID({Test.First Name},2,6)
Result: It will return text starting from the 3rd character in the field and will display till the 8th character.
Returns the smallest value from children table parameter.
After selecting the MIN function:
Select a reference field from a child table.
Formula: MIN("test child",{test child.age})
Result: It will return the minimum age from all the age records in the child table.
Returns remainder after number is divided by divisor.
After selecting the MIN function:
Select a reference field for number.
Select a reference field for divisor.
Formula: MOD({Test.number},{Test.divisor})
Result: It will return the remainder after number is divided by divisor.
Returns the month, a number from 1 (January) to 12 (December) from a date.
After selecting the MONTH function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: MONTH({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the current month in number from the referenced date field.
Returns the month and year, a string i.e. 1/1/2024 would return 012024.
After selecting the MONTHYEAR function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: MONTHYEAR({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the current month and year in number from the referenced date field.
Returns the number of whole workdays between two dates.
After selecting the NETWORKDAYS function:
Select a start date reference field.
Select an end date reference field.
Formula: NETWORKDAYS({Test.Start Date},{Test.End Date})
Result: It will return the whole workdays between two dates.
Returns the current date and time formatted as a date and time.
Formula: NOW()
Result: It will return the current date and time.
Returns the number of periods for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
Returns the net present value of an investment based on a discount rate and a series of future payments (negative values) and income (positive values).
Checks whether any of the arguments are TRUE, and returns TRUE or FALSE. Returns FALSE only if all arguments are FALSE.
After selecting the OR function:
Enter number of logical expressions with a reference field.
Formula: =OR({Test.age} > 0,{Test.salary} > 0)
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if any one of the fields age and salary are greater than zero, else the field will be unchecked.
Returns True of False if the text matches the pattern. (Pattern uses # for number, _ for letter and % for wildcard.
After selecting the PATTERNMATCH function:
Enter a pattern where # is used number, _ for letter and % for wildcard.
Select a reference field.
Formula: PATTERNMATCH("#####-#####",{Test.Phone})
Result: The Boolean field will be checked if referenced field has the same pattern as declared in the formula, else the field will be unchecked.
Calculates the payments for a loan based on constant payments and a constant interest rate.
Returns the payment on the principal for a given investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate.
Returns the price per $100 face value of a security that pays periodic interest.
Returns proper casing of text value.
After selecting the PROPER function:
Select a reference text field.
Formula: =PROPER({Test.Name})
Result: It will capitalize the first letter of every word from the referenced field.
Returns the present value of an investment: the total amount that a series of future payments are worth now.
Returns the interest rate per period of a loan or investment.
Returns specified number of characters from end of text.
After selecting the RIGHT function:
Select a reference text field.
Enter number of characters.
Formula: RIGHT({Test.Name},6)
Result: It will return 6 characters from the right from the field- Name.
Returns the role of current authenticated user.
Formula: ROLE()
Result: It returns the role of current authenticated user.
Rounds number to specified number of digits.
After selecting the NETWORKDAYS function:
Select a reference field.
Enter the number of digits to which you want to round the number argument.
Formula: ROUND({Test.decimal},2)
Result: It returns the round value till 2 decimal places.
Returns the number of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found.
After selecting the SEARCH function:
Enter a character to be found
Select a reference text field in which the character needs to be searched.
Formula: SEARCH("S",{Test.First Name})
Result : It will return the index number at which the character S is found first.
Sum of children table parameters.
After selecting the SUM function:
Select a child table.
Select a child table reference field.
Formula: SUM("test child",{test child.age})
Result: It will return sum of all the child table field age.
Sum of children table parameter based on logical condition.
After selecting the SUMIF function:
Select a child table.
Select a child table reference field.
Enter a logical condition.
Formula: SUMIF("test child",{test child.age},{test child.age} > 0)
Result: It will return sum of all the child table field age is the age is greater than 0.
Returns the current date formatted as a date.
Formula: TODAY()
Result: It will return the current date and time.
Removes all spaces from text.
Converts all letters in a text string to uppercase.
After selecting the UPPER function:
Select a reference text field.
Formula: UPPER({Test.Name})
Result: It will return characters from the referenced field in Upercase.
Returns the email ID of the current user.
Formula: USER()
Result: It will return the emailID of the current user.
Returns the account ID of the current user.
Formula: USERID()
Result: It will return the accoundID of the current user.
Returns the year from a date.
After selecting the YEAR function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: YEAR({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the year in number from the referenced date field.
Returns the year and month, a number i.e. 1/1/2024 would return 202401.
After selecting the YEARMONTH function:
Select a date reference field.
Formula: YEARMONTH({Test.Start Date})
Result: It will return the year and month in number from the referenced date field.
Add Common Field - User can add common fields from domains such as: Admin, Finance, Marketing, Operations, Sales, Shared.
Cancel – Guides user back to the tableform screen.
Save – Saves the changes in the tableform.
Every Table must have a unique name.
Field options, auto-integer & decimal place settings cannot be changed once saved.
Cannot delete Table when part of a Link, Rule, Workflow or Report.
Once a Table is deleted all associated records are lost.