Template Gallery

Template Gallery allows to deploy pre-built templates that are available.

To add a new App, Select the Template Gallery in the App Tree (left-side panel), click on + Create an App.

In the Application Detail:

  • Upload Logo: Allows to Upload a Logo for the application template.

  • App Name: Enter the name you want to assign to the application template.

  • Category: Select one category from given list options such as Customer Management, Engineering, Finance, Human Resources and so on.

  • Owner Name: Enter the name of the owner who created the application.

  • Version: Enter the version of the application template.

  • Description: Enter a Description for the application.

  • What’s New: Enter Details of what’s new in the application.

  • Screenshots: Displays the Screenshots of the application. Click on the Upload Screenshot button to add screenshots.

  • Back to Template: Guides Back to the Template Gallery Menu.

  • Publish: It saves the new application template in the Tableflow’s app store and will give a notification that your request has been received and we will notify you within 3 business days.

In the Application Template Menu:

  • Select a Category: Allows you to select a category from the available list of options.

  • Show only my apps: Allows to display the application template associated with the logged in user.

  • View Details: Allows to see the details of the application template.

  • Deploy: Hit Deploy to implement the application template in the current authenticated account.

Last updated